Tag «National Stock Exchange»

Disinvestment of 5 percent paid up equity capital of ITDC and 1.02 percent of paid up capital of STC out of Government of India shareholding

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs has approved the disinvestment of 5 percent paid-up equity capital in the India Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC) and 1.02 percent paid-up equity capital in the State Trading Corporation (STC), essentially to make these Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) compliant to the public shareholding norms under the Securities Contract (Regulation) …

Greater Focus on Ethics is Critical to Earning Trust in Financial Services Industry – CFA Institute

Directions to navigate through the new financial landscape discussed at the third India Investment Conference The third India Investment Conference, jointly organized by CFA Institute, the global association of investment professionals, Indian Association of Investment Professionals (IAIP) and the National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM), concluded with a call for action to restore trust and promote best practices in the financial services industry in …