Nielsen: Sales Growth of New Energy Vehicles Slows down in Second Half

Consumer demand for new energy vehicles is shifting from policy driven to individual needs driven; Gasoline-electric hybrid cars are more in demand, with large potential in the next five years; New energy vehicle owners are young, highly educated, middle-class   Beijing- July 10, 2016- Driven by the government’s subsidies, sales of new energy vehicles saw …

Nielsen Marries China Telecom’s Big Data to Help Brands Grow Online

SHANGHAI – May 26 – Global information and measurement company Nielsen today announced the launch of TraffiOPTI, a cutting-edge innovation solution that can give manufacturers and brands an insightful understanding of online shopping habits of consumers from the world’s most populous country. TraffiOPTI is a collaboration between Nielsen and China Telecom. By Leveraging online behavioral …

Nielsen launches THE NIELSEN GAMES IP EVALUATOR Service in china for mobile game developers

Nielsen Games IP Evaluator defines gaming demographics and consumer behavior in China to evaluate mobile game revenue potential     Beijing – June 28, 2016 – Nielsen (NYSE: NLSN) today launched the Nielsen Games IP Evaluator, a service unique to the Chinese market, for mobile game developers in collaboration with TalkingData, the country’s largest mobile …