Tag «Oliver Burkhard»

Supervisory Board of ThyssenKrupp AG extends contracts of CFO Guido Kerkhoff and CHRO Oliver Burkhard

At its meeting today the Supervisory Board of ThyssenKrupp AG extended the contracts of Chief Financial Officer Guido Kerkhoff (48) and Chief Human Resources Officer Oliver Burkhard (43). Guido Kerkhoff has been a member of the Executive Board of the Essen-based industrial and technology group since April 2011, and Oliver Burkhard since February 2013. The …

Over 900 young people to begin their apprenticeship with ThyssenKrupp

Over 900 young people will begin their apprenticeship with ThyssenKrupp on August 1 or September 1, 2014. It takes the total number of apprenticeship places in the Group in Germany to around 3,400, slightly higher than in 2013. “We are delighted that so many young people have chosen ThyssenKrupp as their apprenticeship provider. Well-trained skilled …