Tag «The Bengal Chamber’s Reaction»

The Bengal Chamber’s Reaction for Indian Railway Budget 2016-2017

The Hon’ble Railway Minister Shri Suresh P Prabhu has presented a crisp and passenger friendly visionary railway budget for 2016-17. The completing of Phase I of East West Corridor from West Bengal by June 2018 is also a welcome announcement. The freight corridors connecting Kharagpur shall have positive economic spin off for the entire region. …

The Bengal Chamber’s Reaction about the arrest of Mr. William S Pinckney, Managing Director of Amway India by Andhra Police

The Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industry is concerned about the arrest of Mr. William S Pinckney, Managing Director of Amway India by Andhra Pradesh Police. The Bengal Chamber is concerned that this incident may have an impact on India’s Foreign Direct Investment. This incident is also likely to send out a wrong message to the multinational companies …