Tag «Transparency»

Transparency in military spending in sub-Saharan Africa higher than expected, new SIPRI report

(Stockholm, 19 November 2018) The level of transparency in military spending in sub-Saharan Africa is greater than previously thought, according to a new report from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). Between 2012 and 2017, 45 of the 47 states surveyed published at least one official budget document in a timely manner online. The SIPRI …

FICCI Arise looks to join hands with Odisha on school education

A delegation of six members from FICCI Arise met with Smt. Ranjana Chopra, IAS, Commissioner-cum-Secretary, Department of School and Mass Education, Government of Odisha.   New Delhi, August 10, 2017: As part of its efforts  to become a catalyst in government and private sector efforts in school education, FICCI Alliance for Re-Imagining School Education (FICCI …

Trase: Transparency for Sustainable Economies

Major upgrade of transparency platform to map sustainability risks and opportunities in supply chains   Soy supply chains in Brazil and Paraguay have been mapped at an unprecedented scale in a new version of the pioneering Trase platform, which lays bare the deforestation and other risks associated with the production of these commodities, as well …

Improving aid effectiveness and transparency in AfDB’s Rural Water Sector

Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, December 15, 2016 – Rural water supply and sanitation task managers and experts of the African Development Bank (AfDB) have discussed how to enhance transparency and aid effectiveness through online reporting, communications and monitoring of AfDB-financed projects. Organized by the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Initiative (RWSSI), in collaboration with AKVO, a …

Indian Real Estate – Looking Back… And Forward:  Anuj Puri, Chairman & Country Head, JLL India

  Tracing The Boom… The structural adjustment programme of the early 1990s initiated the liberalization of the Indian economy. The roots of the high appreciation rates on India’s property market witnessed during the boom period lie in the reduction of interest rates that were instituted from year 2001 by Government’s continued policy of liberalization of …

Greenpeace report urges improved transparency from Amazon and more engagement from all major internet companies to overcome resistance to renewable energy from fossil fuel monopolies.

San Francisco, 12 May 2015 – Major internet companies including Apple, Facebook and Google continue to lead efforts to build an internet that is renewably powered, but an uncooperative fossil fuel sector and rapid energy demand growth for the internet places those ambitions under threat, according to a new report released today by Greenpeace [1]. …


Transparency International welcomes new landmark legislation to tackle money laundering and anonymous shell companies in the EU. The revisions to the 4th Anti-Money Laundering Directive agreed by the European Parliament and EU Council are an important step forward in the fight against corruption, and go far beyond the principles agreed by G20 leaders in November. However, …


EXTRACTIVE FIRMS NOT READY FOR COUNTRY-BY-COUNTRY REPORTING; CHINESE COMPANIES WORST PERFORMERS ON TRANSPARENCY, ANTI-CORRUPTION The world’s biggest companies disclose little or no financial details about their operations outside their home country, a new report from Transparency International reveals today. Ninety of the 124 companies assessed do not disclose the taxes they pay in foreign countries, while 54 …