Tag «umesh shanmugam»

Currency update…..Umesh Shanmugam

USD-INR loses confidence in the market as discussed earlier.. Todays break above 55 shows that it is extending without a dip and subdividing higher. A series of i-ii-i-ii-i-ii markings are the only alternate and a larger wave II correction seems ruled out. This pattern may continue all the way till the target of 60 with small halts only..(CHART …

Diwali, the festival of lights – Umesh Shanmugam

Diwali, the festival of lights as it is known the world over, celebrates the victory of good over evil, light over darkness and knowledge over ignorance. Lights are lit on this day not just to decorate homes, but also to communicate a profound truth about life. Light dispels darkness and when the darkness within you …

Advantages of Mauritius for hedge funds – Umesh Shanmugam

Global business in Mauritius is active mainly in the area of investment in India, Africa and China. Mauritius is a leading provider of foreign direct investment in India due to favourable treatment under the double taxation agreement between the two countries. Since the signing of the agreement, many investment and hedge funds have been (and …

Secrets of Jesse Livermore

1. Money Management: * “I trade on my own information and follow my own methods.” * “The desire for constant action irrespective of underlying conditions is responsible for many losses on Wall Street, even among the professionals, who feel that they must take home some money every day, as though they were working for regular …


Gold: Gold made a low of $1672.90 last week, a little above its 200 DMA, which was then positioned at $1662, to close the week at just under its 50 DMA at $ 1730.30. The pullback from the recent low of $1672.90 is reactive in nature. Gold could above $1700 but below its 50 DMA …

Important Trading Lessons – Umesh Shanmugam

These are some of those fundamental and undeniable truths, as I have come to understand them over the course of my trading career: Most of the time, markets are very close to efficient (in the academic sense of the word.) This means that most of the time, price movement is random and we have no …

Trading Wisdom – Umesh Shanmugam

Markets are highly random and are very, very close to being efficient. If you are a new trader, trading is probably harder than you think it can be. If you’ve been trading a while, you know this. Financial markets are one of the most competitive environments in the modern world. New information is quickly processed …