Tag «United Nations Global Compact»

Majority of Business Leaders Call for a Climate Change Agreement in Paris to Support Private Sector Investment, Finds UN Global Compact-Accenture CEO Study

Majority of Business Leaders Call for a Climate Change Agreement in Paris to Support Private Sector Investment, Finds UN Global Compact-Accenture CEO Study Business action on climate seen as a route to innovation, growth and competitiveness NEW YORK; Nov 2015 — A majority of business leaders say that a long term agreement at the UN …

ESCATEC is the first EMS company in Penang to become a member of the United Nations Global Compact

Penang, Malaysia – 24 June, 2013 – ESCATEC, the Electronics Manufacturing Services innovator, has announced its membership of the United Nations Global Compact, the ten principles of which cover human rights, labour standards, the environment and anti-corruption. ESCATEC intends to advance those principles within its sphere of influence. It is committed to making the Global Compact …