Tag «urbanization»

And God created Packaged Drinking Water – Chawm Ganguly

Water,water,everywhere Ever wonder how the multinationals and trans-nationals  of the world (not to forget our own walking-talking advertisements for Make in India) have already converted an “ubiquity” (something that is omnipresent) into a “commodity” that can be commercially exploited. Yes, we are talking of water here – packaged drinking water, if you may. I know …

Had Coal Not been there – Chawm Ganguly

As the world grapples with the twin menace of Global Warming and Climate Change, Coal is increasingly becoming a dirty word. From Polar bears suffering due to the melting ice caps, to Climate Refugees in Bangladesh waiting for the deluge brought about by the rising sea levels that will spell their doom, everything is traced …

Opportunities Flourish in China’s Lush Smart City Landscape: IDC Government Insights

Singapore and Hong Kong, May 14, 2014 – In 2014, several of China’s state departments are initiating centrally-led standardization policies and collaborative programs to bring about a more unified approach to Smart City developments. This is in line with the last-stage development objectives of the national Twelfth Five-Year Plan as planned by the central government. …