Tag «world economic forum»

108 Years: Wait for Gender Equality Gets Longer as Women’s Share of Workforce, Politics Drops

Despite the global gender gap narrowing slightly in 2018, proportionately fewer women than men are participating in the labour force or in political life Overall, the economic gender gap narrowed in 2018; however, access to health and education, and political empowerment suffered reversals Iceland remains the world’s most gender-equal country. At the current rate of …

World Economic Forum Objects to Misuse of the ‘Davos’ Brand

The World Economic Forum objects to the use of the “Davos” brand for events that have nothing to do with its own activities. The World Economic Forum, as the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation, is not related to any political, commercial or personal interests. It brings leaders together from government, business and civil society for …

United Kingdom Partners with World Economic Forum to Develop First Artificial Intelligence Procurement Policy 

Calls for responsible and effective procurement of artificial intelligence to protect citizens United Kingdom to work with the World Economic Forum Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution to co-design these new frameworks For more information about the Annual Meeting of the New Champions, please visit: http://wef.ch/amnc18 Follow the conversation using #AMNC18 Tianjin, People’s Republic of …

World Economic Forum Annual Meeting of the New Champions to Focus on Role of Science and Technology in Addressing World’s Most Critical Challenges 

World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2018 will focus on the impact of science and technology on shaping economies, societies and geopolitical structures of the future Meeting comes at an important juncture for global relations, as increased geostrategic competition accelerates movement towards a multi-polar world Geneva, Switzerland, and Beijing, China, 29 June …

World Economic Forum Appoints Professor Knut Haanaes to Lead New Global Leadership Institute

Knut Haanaes becomes Dean of the World Economic Forum’s newly established Global Leadership Institute Previously, Haanaes was a Senior Partner at BCG and taught at IMD Business School in Switzerland, Stanford University, BI Norwegian Business School and in the private sector The Global Leadership Institute will shape the future of learning and leadership in the …

World Economic Forum Appoints Troels Oerting To Lead its new Global Centre for Cybersecurity

Troels Oerting will assume leadership of the Global Centre for Cybersecurity as of 2 April 2018 Previously, Oerting held senior positions at Europol, Danish Intelligence and in the private sector The Global Centre for Cybersecurity is dedicated to fighting cybercrime and organized digital crime For more information visit www.weforum.org Geneva, Switzerland, 26 March 2018 – …