Tag «young India»

Young India dreaming big, but parents underprepared reveals Aviva India’s Early Starters Initiative

Survey reflects that children are keen to explore unconventional career opportunities   Aviva unveils the aspirations of young India Mentors 23  children  as a part of the Aviva Early Starters Initiative Reflects on the financial unpreparedness of parents   February 19, 2016/ Mumbai: Aviva Life Insurance concluded its customer connect initiative ‘Aviva Early Starters’ in …

Modern and Everlasting Platinum the Prominent Choice of Young India

Consumer Research reveals that platinum appeal for the young, is growing and is driven by its modern image of youthful, elegant and the emotional promise of everlasting love.   November, 2014: The never-ending attraction for jewellery can certainly not be measured, as it’s always been an essential part of India’s ethos through history and culture. …

2013: The year of the arrival of young India – Chawm Ganguly

An army of ignited minds, born in 1991 or thereabouts, brought up in post liberalization affluence are now adults. They did not learn, like we did, that India is a developing country, faced with resource crunches. Rationing, mixed economy, 5 year plans, non-aligned movement, license, permits, quotas and words that were the staple of our …