New Delhi, 1November 2017: Thyssenkrupp access in association with their official Indian business partner Elite Elevators launched the new H300. The official unveiling was done by Mr. Cristiano Gianneschi (Manufacturing Manager); Mr. FaridOiladAdjAmar( Head Business Development, MENA / Turkey / India), Mrs. Vanessa Brown(Regional Sales Manager) and Mr. Vimal R Babu (Director Sales,India).
H300 comes with an exclusive elevator that uses gearless cogbelt drive technology and gives the silent and safest ride. This being a SIL3 certified lift sets a new benchmark for the home elevator safety. The vision behind developing this elevator with groundbreaking functionality and safety parameters is purely to fight the increased percentage of elevator accidents in India.
With no pit and headroom space requirements, the lift complies with all standard dimensions and configurations and also meets the most stringent requirements for safe accessibility. This lift comes with a patented metal shaft that makes it weatherproof and suitable for seismic conditions, making it the ideal premium mobility enhancement for private homes. The pricing for this elevator range is kept at a considerable economical level when compared with the retail price in the neighboring countries.
This elevator will be showcased at ACE TECH event held at Bombay Exhibition Centre from 2nd to 5th Nov 2017. Thyssenkrupp access’s new range of home lifts is promising to offer customers an all-in-one solution to improve their comfort and mobility at home. The H300’s cog belt technology ensures quiet operations with an extra-gentle start and stops while its wide selection of bespoke interior finishes can accommodate each customer’s individual design preferences.
Seeing a demo for this masterpiece is often impossible as India’s top HNI customers would mostly have the prestige of owning it. However this lift will be exhibited at ACE TECH event visitors can experience first-hand on the latest cogbelt technology at Hall 1, Stall no A-6a.
Thyssenkrupp access has now reinvented the technology behind Home Elevator. Their new patented CogBelt system makes ThyssenKrupp Access as the No 1 Home Elevator Globally.
EliteElevator powered by K Ramanathan& Co is the Business Partners of ThyssenKrupp Access and has been representing these home elevators from ITALY in the Indian market since 2012.
“All we do is educate our customers about the missing standards of home elevators in INDIA and its importance in our daily routine” says MrVimalBabu – Director Sales (Elite Elevators – K Ramanathan& Co).
“This New Home Elevator H-300 is developed complete new from base up, which has given Thyssenkrupp access the possibility to implement all its necessary visionary based standard and yet maintaining its uniqueness like NO PIT, NO Head Room, Single Phase Power and SIL 3 certification.
This SIL 3 certification is considered to be one of the most stringent safety measure commonly found in Nuclear Plans, Air Bags for Cars, etc.
This Launch of Home Elevators in INDIA for the Asian market has attracted visitors from neighbouring countries like Singapore, Malaysia and Middle East. Elite Elevators claims all their production slots allotted for the INDIAN market is already Booked. These Names included Celebrities and High Net Worth Individuals across INDIA.
We thank the INDIAN customers’s trust for booking our new H-300 home elevators even without seeing them” says MrFarid – Head of Business Development (ThyssenKrupp Access).