Bangalore, January 11th, 2018: In a thrilling finale to the prestigious International ABACUS Championship held in Dubai recently, Tanvee Mohan from Trio World School emerged as champion where she competed against three thousands students representing 12 countries. The students aged between 6-8 competed against each other showcasing their calculation skills using UCMAS, an ABACUS arithmetic technique.
Initially Tanvee took part in the state competition organized by BrainOBrain, the world leading children institutes for self empowerment. She competed in the state competition against 3000 students. Further she participated in the National competition conducted in Bangalore where more than 5000 students participated. She was felicitated with Championship Award, the highest in Bangalore.
Mr. Naveen K M, Managing Director, TRIO World School said, “We are glad to see our student winning laurels not only in the country, but also in the international platforms. Abacus has proved to be excellent sport for brain and Tanvee have brought lot of pride to the school by demonstrating highest level of mathematic skills with the help of hand and eye calculation”.
UCMAS is an international concept developed from ‘Zhusuan Methodology’ for brain development of children of age group 5-13 years. The competition effectively activates children’s latent mental power and develops mental and creative skills and a photographic memory resulting in self-reliance and self-confidence.