Kolkata: iLEAD hosted a workshop on Advertising, Branding and Leadership with Mr Cherojit Goswami, Vice President of Ogilvy CommonHealth Worldwide. The workshop was divided into three sessions. The first session called Advertising Mantras – Fun, Focused, Feisty and Flexible was of special interest to students aspiring for a career in advertising, PR and Media. The second session was called “Branding – What’s Your DNA” which was for working professionals and aspirants in advertising and promotion. Session 3 entitled “Leadership – Inner Greatness- What if” was about making leadership decisions and achieving visions. Each session was followed by interaction and Q&A. From the morning the auditorium was packed with curious audience mesmerized by the insightful views and presentations by Mr Goswami.

iLEAD Chairman, Pradip Chopra addressed the audience with his views on importance of perspective, brands and impactful ads. In the first session “Advertising Mantras”, Mr Goswami spoke about concepts like Elevator pitch, how to move from communication to conversation, the 8 sought after values from advertising professionals, the importance of continuity and persistence and much more. In the second session, “Branding –What’s Your DNA” he spoke about the various characters/images that a brand tries to reflect in their ads which ranges from personifications like The Creator, The Explorer, The Nurturer and many more. He showed examples of these personifications through screening of numerous interesting ads. The third session on leadership enlightened the audience about Dependency, Collaboration, Courage and how a brand makes its presence felt. Mr. Goswami also spoke about the world of social media and how demographic factors and cultural values also play a vital part in Advertising.
The day was full of interactions with interactions from the audience. The engaging workshop from morning through afternoon was much appreciated by the crowd and they hope for similar workshops at iLEAD soon.
About iLEAD:
Institute of Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Development (iLEAD) is one of the premier Media and Management School of Kolkata having world class infrastructure excellent teaching and non teaching staff and is using latest educated technologies and is affiliated to West Bengal University of Technology (WBUT) and is located in the heart of the City. To know more about iLEADone can visit : www.ilead.net.in.